Oddly Comforted Amidst Tragedy

In watching the news this morning about the terrible tragedy in Colorado, I found myself reassured by my Heavenly Father.

Reassurred that He is bigger then all of this, and can turn it around for His glory.
Reassured that in the midst of tragedy HE is my only hope.
Reassured that my life rests in His hands, and that my future is secure in Him.
Reassured that while the Devil has his hand in many of the things that happen here on earth, OUR GOD is the one who rules this earth, who created this earth, and who has a plan for this earth.

 My heart and prayers go out to the people affected by this horrible, obscene, and evil tragedy. I cannot begin to fathom what has happened, what people may be thinking, and what the families of the victims feel at this moment. It feels unreal.

 I am thankful that my Heavenly Father loved me so much that He sent His only Son to die on the cross so that I can spend eternity in Heaven with Him. I am thankful that when I think of death, I have no fear, because I know that my destiny is in my Father's hand, and that I will spend eternity with Him. I am thankful that our God will turn this tragedy around, to show others who He is, and to remind us that it is all for His glory. We must trust in God's plan, and be willing to be instrumental in it. I am even more thankful that my Savior Jesus Christ died for all of our sins. This tragedy has reminded me that we are all sinful, and that none of us deserve grace more or less then anyone else.

Some may be doubting God at this time, wondering how in the world He could allow this to happen. Some have always doubted God for this reason, not knowing why He allows suffering in the world. I wish I could answer that question, I have heard it answered before, but it is a question of great magnitude.

All I know, with all my heart, is that our God is GOOD. He loves us. He has a plan for us. And it is all for His glory. Trust in the God that created you. Trust in the God that saved you when you didn't deserve to be saved. Trust in the God who forgives  you 7 times 70 times. Trust in the God who woke you up this morning. Trust in the God who provides for you, cares for you, and sent His only son for you. Trust in the God that could have given up on this earth thousands of years ago, but insteaad holds true to His promises, and showers us with His grace and love. Trust in the God who has the power to heal the hearts affected by this horrific tragedy.

"Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10


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