All for His Glory

Pharaoh, Pharaoh, whoa baby let me people go, ooh ah. Ya, ya, ya, ya. Sorry, I just had to!

There are many things that have hit home for me in this story, but I will spare you and only share a few. The first, as many of us have probably heard before, is how Moses complains to God that he cannot in fact talk to the Pharaoh because he is "a clumsy speaker" (v. 6:30) Now, if any of you know me, I literally cannot talk. I stumble over my words ALL OF THE TIME, and it makes me look like a complete idiot. So, I know where Moses is coming from here. But to think that Moses actually argued with God that he wasn't capable of doing what God was asking of him makes me think of what I am arguing with God about. What am I refusing to do, because I am scared that I will not be able to do it well, or that I will look like a fool? Basically, Moses was denying God the power to move in Him, he was telling God that he didn't think God had the power to change him, and to use him. Now, that may be a bit dramatic, but you get the point.

I love that God still allowed Moses to be a part of His plan. I mean, the moment that Moses started arguing with God, He could have struck Him down with lightning right then and there, and found someone else. But no, God shows Moses grace. God allows Moses to say, "Ok. You were right God. I believe that you have the power to work through me." God does not force Moses to do anything. God gives Moses a second chance. Our God is a God of fatherly love, free-will, and second chances.

What are you "arguing" with God about, claiming that you don't have the ability to do? What are you saying "no" to God about because you think it is too late and you have already lost your chance? That is literally my worst fear. Telling God no, and denying Him of using me. Even worse denying myself of being used by God. And EVEN worse, denying someone else of seeing God's love because of my unwillingness to have faith and believe that God can work through my sins and weaknesses. God will get done what He needs to get done, no matter what we say about it, the question is, will you let God use you? Or are you going to sit on the sidelines and watch someone else do it?

Now, moving onto Pharaoh. Oh, Pharaoh.

We can all be stubborn, some more than others. What I find intriguing is the fact that God says in Exodus 7:3 "But I will make Pharaoh's heart stubborn so I can multiply my miraculous signs and wonders in the land of Egypt."

God changes Pharaoh's heart to be stubborn. Maybe Pharaoh wasn't as stubborn before, but in order for God to be glorified, God changed Pharaoh's heart. God changed Pharaoh's heart in order for him to fit perfectly into His plan. God changed Moses and gave him the ability to speak and the power to "seem like a god to Pharaoh," (v. 7:1). God has the power to change us in order for us to glorify Him.

The Lord says to Pharaoh in Exodus 9:16 "But I have spared you for a purpose-to show you my power and to spread my fame through the earth." Everything is for God's glory, and God has the power to change things in order for them to glorify Him, no matter how horrible, no matter how weird, no matter how awkward. EVERYTHING IS FOR GOD'S GLORY. That is why we were put on this earth. It is not about us, it is about HIM. Now some of you may be like, "Well, I don't want it to be about Him, it's my life, what about me..blah blah blah." If God created the universe. If God created us. If God sent His only Son to die on the cross for our sins, then DUH it is all for His glory. I believe that we are happiest when we are living lives that glorify God. I believe that in glorifying God, allowing Him to move in us, and allowing Him to change us, we will have so much joy and peace in our lives that is unattainable through earthly matters. God knows what's up. Let Him be God. He created you to glorify Him. If we would just shift our mind set to remembering daily that it is all for God's glory, I believe our lives would be radically changed. Are you glorifying God with your life? Do you need to stop doing some things so that God will be glorified, and so that He can use you?

This story offers us so much hope. Not only does it prove that God is faithful in His promises as He delivers the Israelites out of Egypt. It proves that God has the power to change us, to mold us, and to work through our weaknesses to accomplish great things. We may not see it or understand it at the time, but if we just say "Yes, God use me. I don't know what the heck for, or how this is going to work out, but I am trusting you. I am trusting that You will be glorified," who knows what amazing things could be accomplished.

I pray to be like Moses. To have enough faith and courage to say "Yes" to God. To not be fearful of this world. I pray that I will allow God to use me. Not only that I will allow God to use me, but that I will consistently allow God to use me, just like Moses. I mean, he kept going back to Pharaoh, over, and over, and over again. Moses never gave up in trusting God.

I also pray that I would be like Pharaoh. Ok, that sounds a bit weird. But although Pharaoh's face was almost eaten off by locusts, the rivers surrounding him turned to blood, and he lived in complete darkness for three days.... God was still glorified. I pray that God is glorified through every area of my life, including my mistakes.

No matter what is going on in your life, God can turn it around so that he may be glorified through it. Listen to His Holy Spirit, and allow Him to guide you. Say "Yes" to what God is asking of you, and you never know what will happen.


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