A Snapshot of True Friendship Amidst Raging War

I love God's word for a lot of reasons (DUH), but one of the top reasons is that every time we read it something new can be revealed depending on what we are going through, what is on our hearts, or what God has chosen to show us. I love that God's word (an ancient text) is constantly relevant to our lives. I was reading in Exodus the other day and something jumped right out at me. Maybe because I had been going through a tough time and was yearning for true friendship, or maybe because it was something that God needed me to see. Whatever the reason may be, it's the coolest thing that God chose to reveal our need for true, deep, reliant friendship in our life through a mini snapshot during the bloody desperation of war. It's as if God is freezing the frame, coming into the camera shot, and saying, "Do you see this? Do you see how you can't do this alone?"

In these verses, Israel is fighting their first war against the warriors of Amalek just after they escaped Egypt and were beginning their journey through the desert. It states, 

10 So Joshua did what Moses had commanded and fought the army of Amalek. Meanwhile, Moses, Aaron, and Hur climbed to the top of a nearby hill. 11 As long as Moses held up the staff in his hand, the Israelites had the advantage. But whenever he dropped his hand, the Amalekites gained the advantage. 12 Moses’ arms soon became so tired he could no longer hold them up. So Aaron and Hur found a stone for him to sit on. Then they stood on each side of Moses, holding up his hands. So his hands held steady until sunset. 13 As a result, Joshua overwhelmed the army of Amalek in battle. Exodus 17:10-13

Here is what God is telling us about friendship through this passage:

1. True friendship means sticking by each other's side even when things get tough. Aaron and Hur were doing life with Moses. They didn't let him climb to the top of the hill by himself, instead they were there every step of the way. This is quite surprising because people probably weren't too happy with Moses at this point (you know, with the leading them into the desert to eat manna for days on end, and all). Aaron and Hur stuck by Moses' side every step of the way, and in turn were there when he needed them most.

2. A good friend knows what you need without having to tell them. I know, this sounds dumb, and to some of you guys you mayyyyyy probably most definitely have heard it once or twice from your girlfriend/spouse/mom. But, it really is true. Moses didn't have to ask for a chair. He didn't have to ask Aaron and Hur to hold up his hands because he had grown too weak. They were observant and caring enough to see what he needed, and were there for him. When someone is a true friend and has taken the time to truly know you, they should be able to tell when you need something and what that something is. For example, when I come home from a long day of student teaching, I can just look at my best friend with my very tired eyes, and she smiles back and says, "ICE-CREAM?" Also notable, is that Aaron and Hur saw that Moses needed more than moral support and words of encouragement, and sought a real, tangible solution. Being a good friend means knowing when to simply listen and encourage, and when to go hunting for a solution. We must know what our friends need during their time of war, and be willing to sacrifice time from our day to be by their side. This also means being willing to physically go and be with a friend. Sometimes, a text or call isn't enough, and like Aaron and Hur, we must be willing to go be by the side of our friends. Even if it means sitting next to them on the couch watching Netflix and eating Redvines (YUM).

3. A good friend is selfless and wiling to compromise. I doubt Aaron and Hur were super thrilled about going to find a huge rock and carry it over so Moses could sit on it. I also doubt they were excited to hold up his arms. Matter of fact, they were probably pretty tired too. But, they saw that Moses' need was greater than their own (winning a war is kind of important), so they put his needs before theirs. 

4. Good friends don't kick you when you're down, they lift you up and help you achieve God's will. Okay, so this is a super obvious one. But, I'm saying it anyways. When Moses gets tired, Aaron and Hur don't say, "Move out of the way, we got this." Instead, they help Moses achieve God's will through helping him literally hold his hands to the heavens, and thus win the war. 

5. Friendship is a two way street and requires vulnerability. I love that Moses lets Aaron and Hur help him. He doesn't say, "No, guys, I can do this on my own," but instead is vulnerable enough to admit that he does in fact need help. This is especially something that God has recently revealed to me. It's okay to need our friends; it's okay to come home and cry to them; it's okay to ask for help. Our Father made us to be in relationship with others, and we need to be willing to be vulnerable enough in order to form those relationships and accept help. 

Know that if you are going through a war, God is there by your side. If you don't have friends to fight it with you, ask. I think you might be surprised how God answers your prayers. If a friend is going through a war, are you being the friend that God calls you to be?


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