Put on Your Big Boy Pants and Make a Move

One of the best things about being children of God is that we actively get to participate in His story. We are not puppets He uses to accomplish His will, but instead we have the choice to stand up with God and walk out the story He has called us to. Similarly, He doesn't NEED us to accomplish His will, but chooses us to be His hands and feet on this earth. I also love that God's story is not always an easy one. Being a Christian is not a life where the Holy Spirit swoops in and fixes every one of our problems on demand, but rather a journey that we struggle with and cry through--a journey which often calls us to put on our big boy pants and make the move God is calling us to, no matter how difficult or uncomfortable it may be.

In Exodus (yup, still there), we get a picture of this clearly laid out for us as the Israelites are wandering through the desert fresh out of Pharaoh's enslavement. Pharaoh has just realized the "grave" mistake he has made by letting the Israelites go, so he promptly gathers 600 of his best chariots and chases after them. What follows, as we all know, is the parting of the red sea where the Israelites make it safely to the other side leaving the Egyptians to be swept into the sea with not one man surviving (if you haven't read the story in a while, go do it, it is astounding).

But, before all the water and great pillars of fire, we see God call the Israelites into action, inviting them to participate in the unfathomable work He is about to do. As they see the Egyptians charging towards them, the Israelites begin to rebuke Moses, "But Moses told the people 'Don't be afraid. Just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today...The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm" (Exodus 14:13-14).

But this is my FAVORITE part, God responds saying, "Why are you crying out to me? Tell the people to get moving! Pick up your staff and raise your hand over the sea..."

It's like God is saying, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Don't just stand there! Put on your big boy pants, use the brain I gave you, and RUN! Ya, I have got you covered. But, don't you want to have a part in this story? I could destroy the Egyptians all by myself right this second, heck, I could destroy all you whiny babies right this second, too! But, wouldn't you rather me work through you instead? Don't you want to be a part of my story?"

Okay, maybe those weren't exactly God's thoughts, but you get the picture.

If the big, bad "Egyptians" in your life are after you, choose to actively participate in God's story and make your move. Sometimes, your "move" might entail crying out to God in prayer and waiting patiently for His intervention. But, other times, like our dear Israelites, it might mean putting your big boy pants on and running in the opposite direction.

What I am getting at is this: Sometimes in life, God calls us to move and make a change, not "stand still and watch the Lord rescue" us. I think many times we get caught up in waiting on the Lord, when really He is waiting on us to get out of the rut and make some changes.

I am not discounting that God can work miracles in any situation ( I mean hello...the red sea), nor am I discounting the importance of prayer; what I am saying is that if you're lonely, maybe you should get off Netflix and join a small group. If you're unhappy with your weight, maybe you should go get a work out partner and enjoy a walk in God's creation. If you're tired and stressed, maybe you should let go of a commitment and make time for yourself.

None of it is easy. I am sure the Israelites weren't loving the idea of running through towering walls of water. But nonetheless, they chose to participate in God's story and make their move. And even more, they listened to God and were obedient in their move.

What move is God calling you to make? Are you fully participating in His story?

I know that God will see you through the red sea, and crush your "Egyptians". I also know that He is already working in your life, even if you don't see it. And, even more, I know that if you ask, He will give you the strength and courage to take the step He is calling you to take. God doesn't leave us hanging; He sees us through the towering waters.

Trust in Him, put on your big boy pants, and listen to the move He is calling you to make. You may just be surprised at what God has in store.


  1. This is so true. It is important to pray but also to act, some people feel that if you try to sort things out you are not trusting God. That isn't true, often when you have prayed you will get the feeling you should do something, resolve an issue with someone, make a change. I feel this is God's voice in you so don't be afraid to act.


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