Audacious Faith

Those two words have come up in my life a lot lately. God must be trying to tell me something along the lines of:
“Kendra, listen to me, I am GOD, the creator of the universe, the creator of YOU. I designed you for a purpose, I have a plan for your life. DON’T YOU DARE try and limit my power by your weak little human mind. DON’T YOU DARE try to put me in a box and use me as a consultant. DON’T YOU DARE lose faith in ME, and in who I created you to be. Trust in me, I know what I am doing, for I AM GOD. I know all the hairs on your head, all the species of animals, all the stars by name, I created everything you see, and everything you know. Kendra, GET OUT OF MY WAY, believe in who I am, trust in who I am, let me do what I need to do, and FOLLOW ME WITH ALL OF YOUR HEART. Don’t let anyone stop you, or tell you that you can’t do it. REMEMBER WHO I AM
Pretty intense. After reading through that it made me think of a book I read a little while back, Forgotten God by Francis Chan. In this book he talks about how we often times forget about the Holy Spirit.
Francis Chan goes on to explain how we have these GRAND ideas of what God wants us to do, or be, or start, or write. These ideas are given to us by the Holy Spirit. Then he explains how often times we think that these are the greatest and most magnificent ideas ever, UNTIL we tell people about them. These people beat them down, give us a “reality check”, tell us we can’t do it, or to think smaller. 
and our thoughts….
and our ideas…..
and our convictions….
The Holy Spirit put them into our minds FOR A REASON, how dare WE let other people crush them down. And put God in a box, and limit his power. How dare THEY think that their way is better then GOD’S! 
Pray BIG prayers, have BIG faith, DON’T limit God’s power.
It scares the living daylight out of me to think that I try to limit God’s power. 
I am not saying that every idea that pops into our heads we should go do. Yes, the Bible says to seek wise advice and counsel. Yes, God has put certain people in our lives to lead us down the right path, and make us think. BUT, when you think about the life of Jesus Christ, the life that we are supposed to mimmick. Everyone thought that he was A LUNATIC, and CRAZY, and WEIRD. They beat him, and mocked him. He left his family to go and share the good news, He hung out with the lowest of the low. Hardly anyone believed in Him. Yet He did it, He did what God sent him to do, to DIE THE MOST PAINFUL DEATH, so that we could live. So that we too, could do what God wants us to do. So that we too, could hang out with the lowest of the low, and show people GOD’S AMAZING GRACE.
Be wise, seek counsel, listen to God, have audacious faith, live like Jesus Christ.
p.s I beleive Stephen Furtick has a book that talks a lot about having audacious faith called Sun Stand Still?


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