Just Be

It is so easy to get caught up in where we want to go, that is where God wants us to go.
God has repeatedly been telling me, to be still, and know that He is God. To just BE. To live in the present, and to do what He has for me here, and now. We don’t need to worry about our future, God has got it covered. Judah Smith was talking about how often times as Christians we focus on learning from the past, and changing the future, instead of just being present where we are, and focusing on that.
It says in Genesis that God spoke, and the world was created. That is how HUGE He is. All He said was, “Let there be light!” and there was! I say this a lot (because it absolutely blows my mind): if God created this world, He can lead me, guide me, and plan for me. If He created this world, He can sure change it. 
A verse that always reminds me of how little I am and how good God is, is Ephesians 3:20 “God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.”
I think that is absolutely astounding, completely and utterly astounding. God can do so much more then we could ever hope for, want, imagine, desire, dream of, or fathom.
What is God calling you to?
Where is He calling you?
Is He calling you to just simply be?
Are you letting the opinions, thoughts and doubts of others stop you?
^^^^That question alone could be a whole other issue. It is a BIG question, probably one of the hardest ones to overcome. I think many times we go somewhere, don’t go somewhere, do something, or don’t do something, stay somewhere, or don’t stay somewhere because of FEAR of what others think, of what others are going to say, because we are scared of failing. 
I want to courageously and faithfully be obedient.  Seek wise, Godly advice. Pray audaciously. Believe in who GOD IS, in what He has done, and inwhy He has done it.  I want to follow HIm with everything I have….. I will follow Him with everything I have.
 Be present where you are. Spend precious time with your maker, and He will guide you. 
James 4:8 “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.”


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