Revelations of Greek yogurt and workouts

I just had a revelation, rather, I just stopped lying to myself and owned up to the will God has for my life, to the person He created me to be.

As a college student I have been battling what in the world I am going to do with my life! Frustrating, exhausting, and stressful would be the words to describe this process. Of course, it would have been much easier if I had just accepted who God created me to be. But no, I had to go through the battle of "I want to make lots of money. No, I want to be a missionary. Yuck, I would not enjoy being a missionary, I want to be a teacher. No, I want to make lots of money. No I don't. Ugh!" I have been afraid to own up to the person I was created to be because I was scared and did not want to hold myself to those standards.

It is quite amusing that I have such a hard time trusting God, the creator of the UNIVERSE. He has brought me through so many things. He has blessed me abundantly. He has provided for me, and gotten me to where I am today. Yet I still have a hard time trusting Him. I doubt His goodness, His faithfulness, and ultimately His power. How awful is that? Really, really, really awful.

I want to be a writer. I want to study the Bible. I want to get a degree in Educational Ministry. I want to inspire people, to love on people, to help people, to coach volleyball, to hang out with kids, and to teach.  I want to work in a church, or work in women's ministry, or write books, or be a Bible teacher. Thats what I want to do, that's who God created me to be. Who cares if I don't know exactly where I am going, or how long I all be in school, or where God will send me.

So, I am letting go, and letting God (as many pastors have said). I am not going to worry about how I am going to make a living. I am not going to worry about who I am going to marry. I am not going to worry about where I am going to live. Because you know what?

I have a God who can hold the entire universe in His hand. 
I have a God who knows every thought in my mind and hair on my head. 
I have a God who sent His Son to DIE on the cross for me, full knowing that I was going to continue in sin.
I have a God who is good. 
I have a God who is THE GREAT I AM, and because He is all those things, because He has gotten me this far, because He is simply GOD- I know that I can trust in Him.  

So what if I am going against the sociological grain? So what if everyone questions what I am doing? So what if people ask me how I am going to make a living? Jesus went against EVERYTHING people expected Him to be, and instead let God work through Him. We are called to be like Jesus, to go against the grain, and to love on people. Just imagine if Jesus had said no! If he had said, "Father, I don't trust you, and I am going to do this my way!" We would be doomed. We would be in Hell. I am so grateful that Jesus trusted God and did the will of His Father. Because of what God did through Jesus, because of what Jesus did for me, I will not deny God's will for my life. I will not risk someone not knowing God's love because I denied God's power--because I was too scared and said no.

Besides, God created me the way I am for a reason. He has a plan. He knows where I will be most filled with His love and joy. He knows the desires of my heart. All I need to do is trust Him.

So here's to letting go and to letting God. Here's to being a tool for God to use. Here's to having faith and trust. Here's to giving up worldly things, in order to store up treasure in Heaven.

Matthew 6:33 "Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need."



  1. get it kendy!!!!! love love love. focusing on who we rather rather then what were doing. youre cute

  2. Good for you! Those passions and desires may wane and change a little over time but you can do all of them - just maybe in different seasons of your life.

    He'll fine-tune the details for you. :)

    1. Good point! Never thought of that! It's cool how God changes our desires and heart in order to fit into His will. Just gotta trust Him and listen to the Holy Spirit.


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. That's my Kendra...never settling for the "norm" but willing to do whatever God calls her to do! (So, it sounds like being an English teacher is not on your list anymore?) Whatever you do, Kendra, God will use you and bless you for following Him whole-heartedly! I am so VERY PROUD of you!!!! You have such great thoughts and can put those thoughts into words that only a true writer can are a TRUE WRITER!! Go with it!!

    P.S. tricky title...I thought I was going to read about Greek yogurt and exercising. Greek yogurt is yucky by the way!

    1. Yup, that's me! Being an English teacher is still a possibility. As Dionna said God will have me doing different things at different times. I think right now He wants me to focus on learning more about His word and growing in knowledge, as well as just loving on people...while I have the time to do that (aka before I have a family and husband). So we will see what plans He has in store.

      p.s. I know right, I love my tricky titles! I LOVE greek yogurt! Especially the ones with the real fruit on the bottom...maybe you just didn't get the right kind! :)

  5. Dad here...."Seek ye first...." was, and may still be NNC/NNU's verse/motto. Sounds good to me! We spoke with Kenny Sacht tonight about his Philippine mission passion.... He said all he wants to do is to change the world.... What is our churches mission motto? Do for one what you wish you could do for many. I know wherever you are/end up, you will be doing God's will..(I think you are right now)..he needs us everywhere and in all types of positions in life to reach many different people. Don't get to far ahead of yourself, or get to just may be doing God's will right now!! You were given the passion/desire you have for a reason.

    1. NIce! Ya, Mr. Sacht has an incredible amount of passion. I agree, I think I am right where God wants me, and it seems like He is going to keep me here for a while! :)
      Love ya.

  6. Hi Kendra, your blog has been listed at :)


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