HA! Typical Christian!

The other day I was called a “typical Christian”, as well as “the most condescending Christian ever”.
It really got me thinking, actually it got me brewing, simmering, BOILING, I felt like a volcano just waiting to EXPLODE OVER EVERYTHING!!!!!! 
But I decided to take it as a compliment, and here is why:
I was trying to think about what a typical Christian looks like. Don’t get me wrong, there are many people out there that call themselves Christians, but don’t walk the walk whatsoever! There are many churches that are rude, condescending, judgmental, ignorant, cliquey, and intolerant, and I TOTALLY and completely acknowledge that. And I apologize for them, and for how they DO NOT live out the Gospel like “real Christians” are called to do. 
BUT, there are also churches out there that are loving, accepting, forgiving, grace-filled, encouraging, friendly, and incredible. I should know, because I have been heavily involved in two of them. 
If a typical Christian is someone who is a TOTAL AND COMPLETE SINNER, who makes mistakes, says the wrong things, doesn’t do what they’re supposed to 100% of the time, is a failure, BUT STILL DOESN’T GIVE UP ON BEING THE BEST THEY CAN POSSIBLY BE FOR GOD AND TRYS TO GLORIFY HIM IN EVERYTHING THEY DO…then I guess that is me. 
If a typical Christian is someone who acknowledges they are unable to resist the temptations of sin without the power of Jesus Christ in them…then I guess that is me.
If a typical Christian is someone who knows they are a sinner, but knows that Jesus Christ died on the cross to forgive them of their sins and give to them eternal life with their Heavenly Father…then I guess that is me. 
If a typical Christian is someone who still constantly messes up,  goes through really hard times,  isn’t perfect, but still acknowledges what God did for them, and yet still keeps on trying OVER, and OVER again…then I guess that is me. 
And the whole judgmental, condescending part…I mean….really?
I think that many people feel “judged” by Christians, or feel “judged” when they walk into a church building because it is their OWN conscious telling them what they need to hear. It is because they know what they are doing is wrong, or what they have done is wrong.
If someone is a TRUE CHRISTIAN, they will not judge you, they will love you, forgive you, SHOW you what Jesus Christ did for you and how much God loves you, and help you find the right path. 
No, they probably won’t encourage what you’re doing. No, they won’t want you to continue in sin. No, they won’t enable or support your sin, and they will probably say some pretty harsh things in order to help you see your sin, but they WILL LOVE YOU THROUGH IT.
Personally I get so excited when I see someone walk in that I know wants to be there deep down, or that hasn’t been there in a while, or that looks like they have NEVER stepped into a Church. It is exciting!
If you have never met a “true Christian” like explained above, keep looking, don’t give up.
In conclusion, I guess I am a “typical” Christian, I will take that as a compliment. I know I was born with a sinful nature, and I KNOW I still SCREW UP BIG TIME, but I also know that God will never give up on me, and that He has an INCREDIBLE AMOUNT OF GRACE.
I am not going to call myself a Typical Christian, I think I will rename it to: “Someone who refuses to give up, no matter how much of a failure they are, and who still tries to be everything that God so desperately wants them to be, Christian.”


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