I'd like a kids meal please!

I am now a freshman in college! How exciting and scary is that!?!
The other day, my parents were dropping me off and helping me set my dorm room up. Later we went to Target, and I ordered a kids meal! Number one: who orders a kids meal at Target? Number two: I don’t think I have eaten a kids meal since I was nine. 
It got me thinking, just like pretty much everything does…. 
When we are kids, we look up at the massive buildings, the giant semi-trucks, the millions of stars in the sky, and WE WANT TO CONQUER THE WORLD. The funny thing is, we think we CAN do just that. When we are children, our imaginations run wild, and we truly believe we can do and be whatever we want to be. We have so much faith.
But once we are actually old enough to do something about our dreams, we back down. Suddenly all the buildings don’t look so giant, and the semi-trucks aren’t anything special. We finally have the ability, and knowledge to possibly “conquer” the world and do whatever we want to, but our fear restricts us. Instead of going out, and doing what God wants us to, we choose to act like fearful little babies, and want to pretend we are still young, for example my urge to order a kids meal. 
I find it ironic that at the times when we want to do something, but can’t, we have this unbelievable faith.  Once we are old enough to do it, or have the ability to, our faith dies, and our fear is like a straight jacket constricting us to the confinement of our little imagination and faith. 
Now I finally understand what Jesus means when He tells us to have faith like the little children.
Just another reminder to me that I should never back down, or be fearful. My God, and creator has a master plan that is greater and bigger then anything I could ever imagine. My only job is to step out in faithful obedience.


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