Gone Fishn'

Today I went fishing. I know right, me? Fishing? But my Dad and I actually caught two fish!
When we got home my Dad told me that what we did today is very biblical, and I was like WHAT?
He reminded me that we are called to be fishers of men. Now, that seems like a pretty light phrase to use, but fishing takes a LONG time and a TON OF PATIENCE. You have to wait, and wait, and encourage, and bait. (hey! that rhymed!) 
He mentioned that searching through the stream is a lot like life. A lot of times you don’t know where you are going, why the fish are REFUSING to come out and play, why your hook keeps getting caught on every single BUSH, why you are even there?
You are thinking, “Why am I standing in the freezing cold water, with my pants completely soaked, slipping everytime I take a step?”
Meanwhile, what you can’t see beneath the shallow clear water is the little fish just waiting for the perfect time to eat the BIG, juicy, slimy worm off that hook. And then, all of the sudden, HE BITES! It is pretty exciting, and suddenly all of that work pays off.
Like fishing, sometimes we don’t see what God is doing, and why He is doing it. We get tired of waiting, and waiting, and waiting. But then suddenly something happens. A “fish bites” and all the waiting, discomfort, and determination pays off. 
So, I hope this encourages you to keep trekking through that freezing cold water, with soaked jeans, boots filled with water, sunscreen and bug spray plastered to your body, and the fear of slipping head first into the water, because blessings will come, and GOD ALWAYS COMES THROUGH AND ALWAYS HAS A PLAN!
(duh, he is GOD!)


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