God, you are distracting me!

I am continuously being distracted by God’s amazing grace and love. I sit down to do my homework, and a certain song comes on, or I get some marvelous idea that I just have to right down…goodness gracious! 
It is incredible to me how He reminds me that He loves me, how He teaches me, how He leads me. Whether it is through a person, what someone says, a song I stumble across, a verse I read, or my amazing ability to keep falling into sin. 
My question to you is this:
Some people say they can’t see God work in their lives, they look around the world and see despair and starvation. They say they can’t hear God, or that it isn’t worth trying.
I think the problem is that sometimes we don’t have the eyes to see what God is doing, what He has done, and what He will do. Or we simply refuse to see it. We need to pray to see the world through God’s eyes, to hear the cries of the world through God’s ears. 
I encourage you to let God in. Just let Him in. You don’t have to do anything, but let Him show you who He is. 
Have quiet time with your Lord and Creator. Turn on some worship music, and just sit there and listen. Read a couple verses, pray, talk to someone. Just let God in. 


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