Brother, Slave, Prisoner, Ruler, Interpreter: God's Plan

I am supposed to be writing a paper on the history of the Russian Economy. But obviously I would MUCH rather talk about Jesus….I mean come one, let’s be real here. 
I have been working my way through the book of Genesis these past couple of weeks, and have been absolutely astounded by who God is. The book of Genesis has 38,000 words, and is packed full of stories about waiting for God’s plan and redemption. I mean seriously there are stories about sacrificing, the inability to have children, death, murder, moving, marriage, incest, animals….EVERYTHING. I love it.
The story of Joseph has really been on my heart. We are all probably familiar with it…but here is the jist: Joseph had some really jealous brothers, who first off wanted to kill him, but then decided to sell him to some Egyptians as a slave. Joseph, by the grace of God, grew to be Potiphar’s favorite and was put in charge of his entire household. Potiphar’s wife was constantly after Joseph, and one day took his robe and convinced everyone that he tried to sleep with her. This cool move landed him in prison, where he began to interpret dreams through the power of God. After being in jail for some time Pharoah’s cupbearer had a dream which Joseph interpreted. The dream revealed that the cupbearer would soon be out of jail, and Joseph asked him to tell Pharaoh about Joseph, in hopes that he would be freed. Of course, the cup bear forgot about Joseph, but later on Pharaoh had a dream and the cup bearer just so happened to remember Joseph. Joseph interpreted the dream and told Pharaoh it meant that there would be a seven year famine. Believing Joseph, Pharaoh put him in charge of all the land. Later on during the famine, Joseph’s brothers came to him, and asked him for food. Joseph’s brothers didn’t recognize him so he was able to get a little bit of revenge. Finally, Joseph revealed who he was, and the brothers begged for forgiveness.
But here is the part that gets me. While Joseph’s brothers were begging for forgiveness and feeling super guilty Joseph says: “Don’t be afraid of me. Am I God, that I can punish you? 20 You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people.” Genesis 50:19-20
How cool is it that Joseph, through everything he had been through, was able to forgive his brothers, look back on his life and see God’s hand in every part. 
First Joseph was sold into slavery, then he became head of Potiphar’s household, then he was falsely accused and thrown into jail. THEN he was left in jail. Finally he was released, and became ruler over all the land of Egypt. HOW CRAZY IS THAT. He went from top-dog, to slave, to top-dog, to prisoner, and then back to top-dog. How could he not have turned his back on God? All of those ups and downs, and he never lost faith in God’s incredible plan. 
Sure he didn’t lose hope and faith in God the first time he was wronged, but he STILL didn’t lose faith the second time, and the third time. How many times do we just give up on God’s plan, and even God himself the first moment something doesn’t go the way we think it should? How many times do we stop pursuing what we think God wants us to do when the first door is slammed in our face, not to mention the second, and third. 
No matter what you are going through, God is with you. God will never leave you or forsake you. Joseph’s brothers were evil to Joseph, but God redeemed him, and had a plan for him. No matter what someone has done to you, or what someone else’s sin has caused in your life, know that God can turn that all around to glorify Him.
Keep on keeping on, don’t stop pursuing what God has called you to do. Don’t let one slammed door stop you. (for more on that see: The Closed Door on pg. 2) 
GOD HAS AN INCREDIBLE PLAN! BE FAITHFUL AND TRUST IN HIM….like I say all the time… He is GOD…He KNOWS WHAT HE IS DOING! Keep your eyes on Him.


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