
I think that is what a lot of people expect or want when they first accept Christ into their hearts. They want immediate transformation, revival, and for everything to be easier. They expect it to fix everything. While the Gospel does offer the promise of love, grace, peace, forgiveness, and blessings, it also REQUIRES obedience, hard work, submission, and trials. 
This morning I was thinking back on “my life” and realized just how much God has transformed my heart. Now, I was raised in a Christian home, my parent’s parents are Christian, it’s not a new thing to me. I grew up going to church, and learning about our AMAZING GOD. But it has taken me 18 years to submit enough to God, that He would be able to change my heart.
**Isn’t it cool that we have free will? I LOVE that God has more than enough power to force His way into our hearts, but that He chooses not too.** 
Now lets get this straight, I would NEVER have been where I am today, without all the trials I have faced: all the screaming and yelling fights into the wee hours of the night, heart break, depression, loss of friends, loneliness, etc. 
As I look back on that, specifically the past 2 years, I realize just HOW much God has changed my heart. I used to read the verses about wifes submitting to their husbands, and CRINGE, now I cannot wait to marry the person God created for me, and respect him, love him, submit to him, and encourage him. I used to be mad at how God created women, I wanted to be the STRONG one, and the one to protect, and have a big corporate job, I was prideful, but now I understand why God created women the way He did, and I am SO glad that I am a girl, let me tell you! Those are just A VERY FEW ways that God has transformed my heart and mind. 
If you accept Christ, and submit to Him enough to allow him to transform your heart and mind (yes there will be SOME VERY DIFFICULT TIMES) you will have this surpassing feeling of peace, love, and GRACE.  It’s remarkable. It’s HARD to get there, but is is EXTRAORDINARY once you do.
I look back on everything and I am incredibly greatful that I went through all that. God pursposefully helped me through those times in order to teach me something I never would have learned otherwise. 
This may sound weird, but I also look forward to the coming hard times in life, because I KNOW that I have an amazing God to get me through them, and to teach me how to be more like Him. 


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