Father Abraham, had many sons, and many sons had Father Abraham.

Now that I have that song in your head, I bet you can guess what God has put on my heart!
As anyone who knows me will tell you, I tend to lack faith, and put God in a box. I limit what God can do in my life by not believing in who He is, and not believing in how incredibly powerful He is….I lack faith…BIG time.
This past week I have been reading Abrahams story. As many of you probably know it is one of the best examples of faith. First God calls Abraham to a foreign land, and tells Him his descendants will suffer for 400 years (my times might not be exact). Abraham’s wife Sarah is unable to have children, but God promises that He will give them a son, and at the ripe old age of ninety-something (?) Sara gives birth to Isaac. What a miracle! Then God calls Abraham to go and sacrifice Isaac, his one and only true son. SAY WHAT?!?!? As you all know, he does what God wants him to do, the DAY after God asks him to do it, he didn’t waste any time, he had IMMEDIATE OBEDIENCE. After tieing Isaac to the altar, God brings a ram for him to sacrifice instead. 
That summary doesn’t give that story justice AT ALL, but you get the gist of it. 
We all focus on Abraham through this story, but last night I could not stop thinking about what was going on in Isaac’s mind. Here he was, carrying this wood up a mountain with his father, and then his father tells him to lie down on the altar, and then he ties Isaac to it. I mean…..I would be freaking out! Like, running and screaming down the mountain!
God revealed to me that sometimes we not only have to trust Him, and have faith in what He says, and what He is doing, but also have faith in those around us, and trust that they are listening to God as well.
Isaac must have really trusted his father, I mean he was willing to lay down on the altar, he was willing to sacrifice HIMSELF, so that his father would stay in the will of God.  I would have run down that mountain screaming! But no, he was willing to sacrifice himself, for his father, and for God. Now thats some BIG faith.
Sometimes God calls us to do weird crazy things, but we need to have the faith to trust in Him, and obey Him. More importantly I think people around us need to have faith that God knows what He is doing. How many times do you feel God calling you to something, and then you tell someone, and they are like “Oh, well, I don’t know about that.” and then you don’t want to do it anymore! 
We need to have faith, and people around us need to have faith in the creator of the universe. 
Listen to the Holy Spirit, believe who God is, keep your eyes on Jesus.


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