Oh, tiny brain of mine

I was reading in Matthew this morning, and it was talking about how the last will be first and the first will be last. That in order to have life, we need to give up our own lives. That nothing else matters but our Heavenly Father’s approval. 
Recently God has been reminding me that He has a great master plan. Nothing I can do is better than that plan, and if I get in that way of that plan….oh man…I better sleep with two eyes open. 
NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in this world really matters. Not the clothes we wear, the house we live in, the school we go to, or what we are majoring in. All that matters is Jesus Christ, saving the lost, loving the lonely, and DOING GOD’S WILL.
I have also been reminded that God needs to always come first. ALWAYS. When God comes first, everything else just seems to fall into place. When you seek God’s will with all of your heart, He will guide you. 
So, to prevent this blog from rambling on, and on, and on, which I am totally and completely capable of, here is the bottom line:
God is the creator of EVERYTHING WE SEE AND KNOW. He has a great plan, His will is always good and always better. If we seek HIm, everything will fall into place. If He is number one, everything is just plain better. All we need is HIS approval. Even though we may be looked down upon for what we do, all that matters is that WE ARE DOING GOD’S WILL. We need to think eternally. 
How come I, the sinner, little thinking, selfish, tiny brained, annoying, stupid, hateful, person I am, EVEN TRY TO LIMIT GOD’S POWER, even begin to think that God doesn’t know what He is doing. He CAN move mountains, and heal the blind, HE CONQUERED DEATH…. PEOPLE……DEATTTHHHH! He has OVERCOME. 
Ok, I am done for now. Phew!


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