The other day I was called a “typical Christian”, as well as “the most condescending Christian ever”. OUCH, I mean, MAJOR OUCH. It really got me thinking, actually it got me brewing, simmering , BOILING, I felt like a volcano just waiting to EXPLODE OVER EVERYTHING!!!!!! But I decided to take it as a compliment, and here is why: I was trying to think about what a typical Christian looks like. Don’t get me wrong, there are many people out there that call themselves Christians, but don’t walk the walk whatsoever! There are many churches that are rude, condescending, judgmental, ignorant, cliquey, and intolerant, and I TOTALLY and completely acknowledge that. And I apologize for them, and for how they DO NOT live out the Gospel like “real Christians” are called to do. BUT, there are also churches out there that are loving, accepting, forgiving, grace-filled, encouraging, friendly, and incredible. I should know, because I have been heavily involved in two ...